Machinery Balancing Manual


Machinery Balancing Manual

A Practical Approach to Balancing, Vibration Measurement, and Analysis

154 Pages. One of the best books written exclusively on balancing rotating machinery.

Machinery Balancing Manual has been prepared by individuals with a combined total of over 90 years experience in dynamic balancing and vibration analysis. In addition to the practical knowledge gained over the years, they have also authored ASME and other papers, served on the ANSI Standards committees on dynamic balancing and taught many training seminars on the subject.

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Machinery Balancing Manual

A Practical Approach to Balancing, Vibration Measurement, and Analysis

154 Pages. One of the best books written exclusively on balancing rotating machinery.

Machinery Balancing Manual has been prepared by individuals with a combined total of over 90 years experience in dynamic balancing and vibration analysis. In addition to the practical knowledge gained over the years, they have also authored ASME and other papers, served on the ANSI Standards committees on dynamic balancing and taught many training seminars on the subject.

Also included:

Sample recording forms for single and two plane balancing, no phase balancing, vector paper, graphs and charts.

Some of the topics covered are:

  • Balancing Tolerances compared
  • Allocating tolerances to planes
  • Which tolerance is best for you?
  • Single plane balancing
  • Two plane balancing
  • No phase balancing
  • Static/Couple solution
  • Measuring vibration
  • Analyzing vibration
  • Typical machine sketches
  • Diagnosis of common problems
  • Selecting Balancing Speed
  • Overcoming thrusting, windage
  • Residual unbalance check
  • Key conventions for balancing
  • Set up for in-place balancing
  • Combining and splitting weights
  • Flexible rotor balancing
  • How unbalance reduces bearing life

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Vibrations Fundamentals
Balancing Fundamentals
Field Balancing
Shop Balancing
Balancing Tolerances


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